Saturday, April 21, 2007

Notes on a Tragedy

I want to point out a couple of issues stemming from the Virginia Tech shootings. I don't want to linger here, because I'm sure it's all been said already and I can't begin to understand the grief and anger those at Tech or who know folks there must feel. However, I have been angered by some of the surrounding bullshit that has come from people who have to have an answer or who must use this horrible act to make a point.

First, here's an article that I liked asking for everyone to not rush to judgement in the blame-game, especially where technology is concerned. Second, as an athiest, I am offended by the usual rhetoric...again, I don't even want to go there because I just want to feel what sadness I can over this incident (being far removed as i am) and not have my feelings clouded with this crap!



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