Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hello from Sicksville, Part III

I guess I had more to say than I originally thought. So here's some more crap to wade through.

I was looking up at the clock a few minutes ago. It's one of those atomic clocks that links up with some central clock at NORAD or something. Anyway, it's not very bright and every couple months goes insane. Currently, it believes we are on Greenwich Mean Time.

I've watched a lot of TV this week. I've noticed that if I normally have a few days off in a row and watch loads of TV, I get all lethargic and my eyes hurt. However, when I'm sick, I can watch TV forever and not care. That's one way I can tell I'm finally getting better - I'm sick of TV. Anyway, I've caught up on a lot of stuff, including Lost (I was 7 weeks behind). I noticed that right around the same time we found out that a bitty blond, named Claire, was related to Jack, we saw a similar thing on Heroes (that the bitty blond, named Claire, was related to the Patrellis). Coincidence?

I've also been watching Planet Earth (a BBC/Discovery production) on the Discovery Channel. If you barely even watch nature shows, I recommend this 11-part series. The photography is beautiful and the footage is incredible. When I'm swearing in amazement at the screen, you know it's really cool.

Finally, I've also been trying to turn around my black thumb reputation (I've killed a cactus and a spider that's impressive). Last year, I played the old elementary classroom game of growing an avocado plant by putting the seed in a glass of water on the window sill (support with 3 toothpicks).Once the roots filled the glass, and I had a good stem, I planted my new friend in potting soil and put it on the balcony. That was in September or October. In San Diego, that means I had another month or two of growing time left before winter. It took a couple of weeks to settle in and shot up a second stem, while doubling the number of leaves on the first stem. I did have to bring it in a few times this winter but left it outside most of the time with no frost damage. It's looking good still and has added some new leaves this month.

I am also growing a snap pea vine from seed. I planted it in November so that it would have a stimulating cold snap before spring. It recently began growing and I'm going to let it climb the bars of my balcony. It's putting on over an inch a day right now. A couple of weeks ago, I brought home a third plant. Our Leopard Tortoise enclosure at work has two nice-sized jade plants in it, hardy succulents that can be started with cuttings and grow quickly. I accidentally knocked off a bit of one of the tortoise plants and brought home that piece. So far, so good. As long as I remember to water them...

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