Friday, January 12, 2007

Third Post This Night

Okay, animal news.

I finally named my dragon (went with Tatsu, cause it's cute like him) and now he's not eating well! I took him to the vet last night and Dr. B couldn't find anything really wrong. So now I'm trying to administer some antibiotics and dewormer just in case but it's a bit traumatizing for both of us. I'm hoping I can inject the stuff into a waxworm. Trying to keep the ambiant temp a little warmer in here as well. So much for a low gas bill!

We had another animal die at the Park. Radar, our Fennec Fox, was geriatric and had a large mass on his liver. I didn't work with him, but it is sad, nonetheless.

I am finally finished working with the Kookaburra. According to J, our lead trainer, Zeke and I have a "working relationship." I keep him out as long as his attention span holds and he doesn't rip me apart. As long as we have an understanding, I'm fine. My first presentation with him was short but went well. Now I'm working with Akisa, a 7.5 ft Madagascar Ground Boa, and I'm way more comfortable with her, even when she's cranky. I know, I'm weird. Hopefully, I'll have a picture with her soon.

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