Friday, January 12, 2007

Also Gaming Stuff

Okay, so more gaming stuff for anyone who cares. S, who's in all the other games I have played/am currently playing, has started a D&D campaign. We've played twice (of course, most of the first session entailed character creation). He's created his own world sort of based on Medieval Europe, but we're using D&D play. I have a totally rockin' druid (no, rockin' and druid are NOT mutually exclusive!). It's pretty fun so far, though S looks a little squirmy when we players are total idiots and can't see the clues that are laid out in front of us (some virtually with flashing neon signs...but, we're distracted by J's rogue and his desire to fish for sharks). It must be how D feels watching me play a video game he's already played until he can't contain himself any longer and has to tell me a hint...and I do that, too, with F. Anyway, we didn't play anything for a month and I was crazy ready to get out and play anything! Thanks S!



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