Saturday, January 13, 2007

More Tatsu News

Well, my little dragon has eaten more today. Hope that's a good sign. I had a battle to medicate him yesterday, so today I got a syringe with a needle from my vet and injected the medication into a cricket for Tatsu to eat. That worked well. Of course, it entailed me also having to break the cricket's legs so that it would definitely get eaten. Nice, huh.

Funny thing, for anyone who knows about feeder insects, Tatsu has no desire to eat waxworms. I was hoping to use them as reward food later and for administering medication today, but he just looked at that thing like it was a gross, white, creepy-looking larva. For anyone who doesn't know, waxworms are usually crazy popular with animals because of their high fat content (sort of like a dessert). Against my initial desires, I am now offering Tatsu baby mealworms as well. They have a lot of chitin in their exoskeletons and I'm worried that I could cause a digestive problem, but the vet said get him to eat anything he wants right now until his appetite returns.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curio refuses to eat all kinds of worms, for some reason. She'll follow them around the tank, but she won't eat them - no matter how heavily dusted they are. My friend's gecko, though, will eat anything that's put in her tank. Just preferences, I guess.

Something else to try is to vary the size of the crickets. When Curio stopped eating last summer (and turned her nose up at various worm offerings), dropping her from large crickets to small seemed to do the trick.

Of course, she's not eating much herself, right now, though everything looks healthy. I started her on a drop of mineral oil, though, just in case she has a blockage again. It's better than a hefty vet bill.

1/16/2007 9:00 AM  

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